I would like to start this off by saying that this only reflects the opinions of me, myself & I.  I do not mean to offend anyone by this, I am just stating my opinion.  I would also like to welcome your views and comments on this subject.


The main topic of this part of my page is not just Ford vs. Chevy, but everyone vs. everyone, and why this whole rival opinion thing is really stupid.  I have been hearing this debate for years, and personally, I am tired of it.  Usually it's ford vs. Chevy, but sometimes there is other arguments.  I do realize that criticism can be a good thing, but vicious attacks on a person (or the car they drive) simply because of a personal preference in brand are stupid, and immature.  Me personally, I am a Ford fan, mainly, because Myself, family members, and others that I know have had for the most part, good luck with Fords.  I, however do not have any real problems with other brands, weather it's Chevy, Dodge, etc, etc.  But to keep this simple, I am just going to focus on the ford vs. Chevy argument.  I'm tired of seeing so much stuff like THIS on the internet.  Websites that target one group of automobiles and decides to say bad stuff about them, based on little or no opinion, or what they have herd.  I've also noticed many people make their decisions on what "sucks" and "does not suck" based on what their parents drove, or what other relatives had/said about one particular make/model.  It's like people who say "All Ford products suck"  and you ask them if they've ever owned one, and they either have not, or they will say that they did, and it is something like a Pinto, or an early-model Escort, or a Courier pickup.  I am not saying that these are bad cars, but they are defiantly not ford's best attempt at an automobile.  But it is not only Ford which has made some Crap products.  Almost every auto maker is in there.  There's the Chevy LUV, the Dodge Charger form the 1980's (weak) and the Dodge Aries.  I'm sure I may have left some bad products off, but my point is, every manufacturer has some cheap cars, so we really should not say that one particular auto maker is no good based on an opinion usually a non-informed opinion.  I based my purchase of my thunderbird on the features and looks of the car, not the maker of the car.  This is how I will always do it, because it is stupid to say that you are going to stick to one company, because then you are limiting your selection, and possibly missing out of something that might be better, or more satisfying to your individual needs.  I will probably revise/add more to this section later, but for now, WYSIWYG.  Remember, this is my opinion, and I don't want to offend anyone.  If I have, please remember that this is just my opinion, I may be wrong.